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Advanced usage

Disabling the plugin

You can use the enabled option to optionally disable this plugin. A possible use case is local development where you might want faster build times.

  - mkdoxy:
      enabled: !ENV [ENABLE_MKDOXY, True]

This will disable the plugin if the ENABLE_MKDOXY environment variable is not set or is set to False. Inspirated by mkdocs-simple-hooks

export ENABLE_MKDOXY=False
mkdocs serve

Configure custom Doxygen binary

By default, the plugin will use the doxygen binary from the system path. You can configure a custom binary using the doxygen-bin-path option. If doxygen-bin-path is not found, the plugin will raise DoxygenBinPathNotValid exception.

  - mkdoxy:
      doxygen-bin-path: /path/to/doxygen